Who doesn't love a good bargain? I know when I find exactly what I'm looking for on Craigslist, for a fraction of what I planned on spending, I am ecstatic. With the move coming up, I've been searching for the perfect sleeper sofa, a full-sized bed, a mid-century coffee table, and a small dining table and chairs on Craigslist, Ebay, and even sometimes Etsy. These are the first major furniture purchases I plan to make, since I don't feel a home is fully functional without them. Or maybe I'm just not fully functional in my home without them, who knows? After these are in place, I plan to find a nook to turn into an awesome little office area for Mark. He started his orientation today for his graduate program and is already talking about the projects he'll be working on. I think the dude needs one of everything I found below in order to make it through these next two years, don't you? The best part is, combined, everything here is under $500!
1. Vintage Desk Lamp // $25 // Etsy
2. Visit the Mountain Print // $49 // Fab
3. Magazine File // $9.99 // Ikea
4. Mid Century Desk // $100 // SF Craigslist
5. Vintage Books // $39.50 // Etsy
6. Retro Office Chair // $70 // Etsy
7. Kilim Area Rug // $120 // Ebay
8. Sleepy Hollow Pencil Cup // $16 // Anthropologie
You've got mad shopping skillz. This is a job!