If you're the kind of person who love piles of flea market treasures, beautiful ocean views, warm sunshine, palm trees, Moscow Mules, lobster rolls, hot mini donuts, dog treats, and excellent people watching, then you've got to get yourself to the Treasure Island Flea market. STAT.
Here we are on our drive over to Treasure Island. Penelope was too excited to sit in the back seat.
The fried-to-order mini donuts were delicious, and the little conveyor belt contraption they use to make them was fun to watch. I totally should have gotten a video of it. Next time. Oh yes, there will be a next time.
I've heard great things about the lobster roll from the Sam's Chowder Mobile food truck. While it was quite tasty, it was definitely not the best I eva had. My heart still pines for another taste of Aloha Lobster on the North Shore of Oahu. Even Woodhouse Fish Co. triumphs over Sam's. But hey, it's a lobster roll, right? Even a bad lobster roll is better than good sex...or something.
I promise you we did more than just eat, but to be honest, not much more. It just so happens to be one of my favorite parts of life, what can I say? But other than food, there are mobile fashion trucks, antiques galore, homemade candles, vintage clothing, art, and so much more to be discovered. And, since it was their last market before Christmas, they trucked in five tons of snow for the kids to play in. It was a sad sight, to be sure. We felt such pity, us former Michiganders who have dealt with dreaded snow our entire lives, to see kids gleefully throwing handfuls of dirty clumps of icy mess at one another. You try scraping ice an inch thick from your windshield while biting cold winds whip your cheeks and every other exposed inch of skin, and then come tell me winter is fun.
Didn't think so.
But you know what is fun? The Treasure Island Flea market, that's what.